EA-JAB Privacy Policy

EA-JAB operates www.eaacs.uk (the “website”). This page informs the user of EA-JAB’s policies regarding the collection, use, and disclosure of personal data EA-JAB receives from users of the website and newsletter.

EA-JAB is committed to safeguarding the privacy of personal information, and to complying with the General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2016/679) (‘GDPR’).

EA-JAB collects information from individual website users for purposes of improving the website. By using the website, the user agrees to the collection and use of information in accordance with this policy.

Use of the EA-JAB website and Cookies

EA-JAB uses cookies on the user’s device(s) for the website and online newsletter, to collect data.

Cookies are small text files or graphic files which are stored on the user’s computer when the EA-JAB website is opened. They allow EA-JAB to analyze how the website is performing.

EA-JAB will seek the user’s consent before the use of any cookies. The user will still be able to access EA-JAB services even if the use of certain cookies is refused; however, this may impact the user experience with the website. The user can withdraw consent at any time.

The table below explains the cookies EA-JAB uses and why:

Table Header
Analytics (Google)
These cookies are used to collect information about how visitors use the EA-JAB website. EA-JAB uses the information to compile reports and to help improve the website. The cookies collect information in a way that does not directly identify anyone, including the number of visitors to the website and blogs, where visitors have come to the website from and the pages they visited. Collected data includes anonymous browser Information, Cookie Data , Date/Time, Demographic Data, Hardware/Software Type, Internet Service Provider, Interaction Data, Page Views, Pseudonymous: IP Address (EU PII), Search History, Device ID (EU PII).
Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube Cookies
“Like” Button and related cookies to let visitors promote articles. Please visit the sites of these organizations to view their privacy policies.

Please note that the EA-JAB site does not support “Do Not Track” browser settings and does not currently participate in any “Do Not Track” frameworks that would allow EA-JAB to respond to signals or other mechanisms from users regarding the collection of personal or non-personally identifiable information.

EA-JAB General Privacy Principles

  • EA-JAB will only collect and use information where EA-JAB has lawful grounds and legitimate business reasons to do so.
  • EA-JAB will be transparent in its dealings and will tell the user about how EA-JAB will collect and use personal information.
  • EA-JAB will update its records when a user informs EA-JAB that details have changed.
  • EA-JAB will periodically review and assess the quality of its information.
  • EA-JAB will implement and adhere to information retention policies relating to user information and ensure that it is securely disposed of at the end of the appropriate retention period.
  • EA-JAB will observe the rights granted to users under applicable privacy and data protection laws, and ensure that queries relating to privacy issues are promptly and transparently dealt with.
  • EA-JAB will ensure it has appropriate physical and technological security measures to protect user-information regardless of where it’s held.
  • EA-JAB will ensure that vendors have appropriate security measures in place and EA-JAB will contractually require them to comply with these Privacy Principles when any processes are outsourced.
  • EA-JAB will not sell user data to third parties who may wish to use it for their own purposes.

Information EA-JAB collects

If the user is an EA-JAB member, certain information will have been provided to EA-JAB for posting on the EA-JAB website (e.g. a contact name for the organization, and physical address of the organization). EA-JAB will only use the information for legitimate business purposes. Where the user provides information about others (for example, work colleagues or contractors) the user must ensure that consent is obtained or that he/she is otherwise entitled to provide this information to EA-JAB.

EA-JAB uses webmail, to manage EA-JAB Outlook. If the user has subscribed, EA-JAB will ask for consent. The EA-JAB database is held by webmail and subject to its privacy policies. EA-JAB will request the user’s name and email address. The user may log in, unsubscribe or amend his/her details at any time.

If the user is an EA-JAB business contact, an applicant for a job, or contractor and has provided EA-JAB with personal details or a CV, EA-JAB will store these details in the EA-JAB system, which will be available only to EA-JAB or its contractors for legitimate business purposes.

Changes to this privacy policy

This Privacy Policy is effective as of 1st December 2020 and will remain in effect except with respect to any changes in its provisions in the future, which will be in effect immediately after being posted on this page.

Privacy Rights

The User’s data rights are listed below:

  • The right of access – the user has the right to receive a copy of the personal data EA-JAB holds about him/her.
  • The right to rectification – if the user thinks any of the personal data EA-JAB holds is inaccurate, he/she may ask EA-JAB to correct it. The user should contact EA-JAB and include their name, address, and/or email address.
  • The right to erasure or right to be forgotten – the user may ask EA-JAB to delete data if he/she thinks that EA-JAB no longer has a lawful basis for holding onto it, or to withdraw consent to EA-JAB use.
  • The right to restriction of processing – in limited circumstances the user may be able to require EA-JAB to restrict the processing of personal data.
  • The right to data portability – the user may be entitled to have the personal data provided to EA-JAB sent electronically to provide it to another organization.
  • The right to object.

Any questions about privacy at EA-JAB, requests for changes, or objections to the personal data held by EA-JAB should be sent via our contact page.

Links to other sites

The EA-JAB website contains links to various external organizations. When the user links to another site, the privacy policy of the new site is applicable.


EA-JAB makes every reasonable effort to prevent unauthorized access to personal information and any loss, misuse, disclosure, or modification of personal information.

The security of users’ personal information is important to EA-JAB. While EA-JAB strives to use commercially acceptable means to protect personal information, EA-JAB cannot guarantee its security.


EA-JAB disclaims any liability for any damages, costs, or expenses users may directly or indirectly incur in connection with the website.

This liability disclaimer:

  • Also applies to legal errors and/or to any possible non-compliance with the provisions of the law. Users bear the entire responsibility for the use of the information contained in the EA-JAB website and the risks associated therewith.
  • Includes Internet malfunctions of any kind (e.g. loss of data, viruses, harmful elements) as well as misuse by a third party (consulting data, copying, etc).

Although the website has been developed in good faith and with all necessary care, no warranty is given as to the completeness or accuracy of the information it contains.

Links to other websites are provided for easy reference only. EA-JAB does not endorse third-party references and does not guarantee the reliability and accuracy of some of these sources. EA-JAB has not checked and does not guarantee the quality, safety, reliability, and suitability of these sites to users.